Diabetes – Kol Insight And Consensus Outlook Modules

We should be searching for alternatives to insulin.” Professor Baptist Gallwitz (EU) “I am not too optimistic that you can improve DPP-IV inhibitors to be more efficacious. You may well be able to improve GLP-1 agonists to have more efficacious drugs that have less side effects based on the variety within the class that we have seen until now. I think that the pharmaceutical industry as a whole is a little bit running out of ideas, so we really need to identify good targets.” Professor Michael Nauck (EU) “I think if someone came up with a reasonably well-tolerated drug that helped you lose weight [and] that you only had to take once a month or once a year? Everyone would be on that. US Key Opinion Leader “Our local insurance company have taken all of what they consider tier 3 drugs, and they include all the GLP-1 agents including the DPP-IV inhibitors, and just put them on a 50-percent co-pay. Fifty percent of a lot of money is still a lot of money.” Dr Carol Wysham (US) KOL Insights — Key Topics Future developments in Diabetes Consensus Outlook Use this detailed report and powerful interactive Excel spreadsheet to compare and contrast companies and products now and in the future.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://finance.yahoo.com/news/diabetes-kol-insight-consensus-outlook-192000079.html

Diabetes warning as the number of Dorset cases rises

Photograph of the Author

New analysis by Diabetes UK has revealed there are 574 more people with diabetes in Dorset since last year. Figures show that just over 29,470 people in Dorset are now thought to have diabetes, a rise from almost 28,900 in 2012. The West Dorset Diabetes Support Group together with diabetes sufferers throughout the county are now calling for residents to be more aware of the condition. Henry Bartlett, chairman of the West Dorset Diabetes Support Group, said: Diabetes is a growing problem for the NHS so raising awareness of the condition is crucial. More people are being diagnosed with diabetes, so we would encourage people to learn the types and symptoms of diabetes, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle and exercising. Preston resident Graham Sargent, 64, has diabetes and is also a member of the West Dorset Diabetes Support Group. He said: I was 12 when I got diabetes, which was really difficult. Luckily, today I have a great wife and sons who look after me and a good family life.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.dorsetecho.co.uk/news/10719539.Diabetes_warning_as_the_number_of_Dorset_cases_rises/

Perth doctors develop new diabetes pump

People with diabetes can go into a potentially fatal coma if their blood-sugar levels get dangerously low. The new pump can identify when that is occurring and suspend the supply of insulin. Professor Tim Jones from the Endocrinology Department at Perth’s Princess Margaret Hospital monitored 95 children with type 1 diabetes who were at high risk of hypoglycaemia. He said episodes of hypoglycaemia could be avoided with the use of the new pump. Professor Jones said a patient’s ability to recognise they were having a hypoglycaemic attack was impaired.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/19247205/perth-doctors-develop-new-diabetes-pump/

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